After my first battery test, I was scared with less than 7 hours of runtime….
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Rocker-Bogie Suspension Mock-Up.
I finally have enough printed stuff to mock up the Rocker-Bogie Suspension. I am using…
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Counter-rotating Differential mock-up
The counter-rotating differential (or universal joint) is intended to keep the rover level. It’s designed so…
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Tires from China Arrived.
I got the other tires from China today. They are a bit different than the…
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Making a Tire and Wheel
I decided to design and print the wheels after trying to use some fancy store-bought…
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New Toy
Update: It’s weird to program. It will start at one com port and then switch…
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1st Printing
First parts off the printer. This is one of the front wheel mounts. What I…
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Version 1 of the design.
The design of the rover has begun. This first version of the rover will be…
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The Great Mojave Rover Project
The Great Mojave Rover Project is to build an autonomous rover that I can live…