Solar test #15 is still going. I thought I would share a photo of the inside of the test unit.
I annotated the photo above to show which light is what. Luckly the top lid is reflective, and I can make out the lights on the Pi. I did not take the time yet, to connect the Pi’s GPIO to the lights for reporting or alerts. But this works for now. I have determined that the fully charged light will never come on because the Pi consumes enough power to keep the chargers charging.
In the past, when I had multiple batteries. I would get two, maybe three, of the chargers reported fully charged. I would never get all four. I thought that was because of a faulty charger or something different. The lower-capacity battery would charge first, and the strongest battery would carry the load of keeping the Pi running.
It’s been overcast and cold for the last few days. This will be a good test to see if the solar can recharge the battery once the sun comes out.