Solar Test 15 still going, don’t know how strong, but still going. The control test, the bench version of the Pi Zero running on the same version of Raspberry Pi Zero W, Adafruit Trinket M0, and 10,000 mAh batter, ran out of power the day before yesterday afternoon.
I am still skeptical that this battery will work for my needs as I am only charging the battery at 5w. The previous tests a few years ago charged (4) 18650 batteries, each up to 5w. As the batteries are charged, it allows more power for the other batteries to charge.
I guess time will tell.
This weekend I will be working on transferring and updating the Knowledge base and updating the software monitoring software on the Raspberry Pi.
I am having an issue where I can’t see the M0 connected to the bench unit. I posted a forum question on Adafruit’s site. I will update the KB and the blog as I learn how to mount the M0 on the Pi.