Made good progress today. Still missing two tires, but they will be here soon. Need to order four more for sandbox rover. I am waiting to receive the other order as I want to make sure they are the same tires and they are not glued to the supplied wheels.
I did not mount the motor mounts because it dawned on me that I needed to get the servo software working first. I need to make sure that the servos are zeroed before attaching arms. The motor mounts are a pressure fit, and I don’t want to print them again.
The Diff is working much better after reprinting the tub part.
What did I learn?
- I need to get the servo software ready before mounting the motor brackets.
- I am almost out of pink PLA.
- I started investigating using MOSFETs as a solid-state relay to control the different systems. Went to Fry’s to pick up a couple of 3v relays and MOSFETs.
- I started using my new little Arduino to program the Servos, need to learn more about that.
- Don’t glue anything until you are done.
- Use cheap, easy-to-get supplies, then cut the good stuff.